The Meeting

Former Mayor Kelly and the In-and Out Burger people were there for the second time.  They talked about the changes they have made to the plan based upon community input.  Sharp guys, sharp presentation, and a very nice hamburger.   I won a free burger.  I would rather have the $600 for the drawing, but maybe next week.  They also talked about how much they are community minded and actually had “cook out trucks” that sponsor fund raisers for schools, charities, etc.  I have seen it parked outside of Tom’s house on many a night lately as they try to round up support for their cause. 

It was Tom’s birthday and we all sang --  it was awful.  Rotarians can’t sing, especially this club.  There was a time when we sang at every meeting.  Someone put a stop to that.

Ed Su’s Anniversary is in the next week.  His wife and daughter will be in Taiwan and Ed will celebrate alone.  What do you do when you celebrate your anniversary alone?  Just askin.

Shiela’s Anniversary card was mildly funny.  Funny Anniversary cards are hard to find.    Ed’s card said “Happy Anniversary”.  Clever.

Clair got a “feel better card”.  She was hit by a hearse; at a funeral;  in a grave yard;  with a priest.  Not a good sign.  Not good luck.  This is true.   Joe had a hard time telling us this with a straight face.  While we all felt bad for Clair, we couldn’t help from laughing.  Sorry Clair, we sure hope you come back soon.  I didn’t make this up.  No one could make this up.

Shiela is looking for volunteers for the 4th of July.  Sign up sheets are abundant at our meetings now as one Presidential year winds down, and another winds up.    Sign this, sign that.  Len likes puns.  Not too many people will admit to that.  Some Presidents like to be called Supreme Commander, others like Puns.  I will sneak a few in as this Bulletin winds to an end.  Tom’s year is coming to an end as he starts thinking about what it’s like to return to a normal life. 

Joe and/or Elyse volunteered to be the MC at 4th of July, and there is only 1 mike.  I sense fireworks

Deborah is coaching some of the girls at the Miss California pageant.  Tom engaged her with a smile and a few lively barbs.  Did you ever notice how funny she is, without trying to be funny.  She squints her eyes and makes you laugh, without even trying.  She is an excellent Rotarian.  She is a model Rotarian.

Elyse told the joke.  It was good, it was about lettuce, whores, and football, a nice combination, told well.  

The Program – Katie, a Nutrition and Wellness Coach

Her favorite Ice Cream is that which she makes herself.  She was a ball of fire and energy.   She had a contest and the prize was to go shopping for groceries with her.  She was very nice looking and most of us guys wanted the shopping trip.  Nancy won.

She had been in a very high stress job in New York City and decided that was not for her --  so she became a Holistic Health Coach.  She is also a Certified Yoga Teacher.  She always had a passion to help others feel as good as she feels, and used yoga as a gateway.    Katie had a number of “different” things that I really tuned in to.  “Never strive to be perfect”  I was taught the opposite, but guess what, she is right.  They say “Great is the Enemy of Good”.  You have to ponder those things, but once you get it, you get it.

She was very positive about “everything”.  She was, it was infectious.  Another thing to think about  -- “When you are so focused on one thing, the other areas of your life suffer”.   Total focus in not all that great.   Balance.

Take time for yourself, take care of yourself.  Keep eating what you are eating but…..add greens to your meals a little at a time.  Gradually they will take over and your new eating habits will start clicking in. 

Make  yourself number one in your life.  Only when that occurs can you satisfy others. 

She loves the sense of community in El Segundo.  She gets asked by most people “how do you have so much energy”.  She doesn’t drink coffee, cokes, etc.  No caffeine.  No energy drinks, just the green and some protein and a few chia seeds and you are all set to go.  Nothing like a Kale drink to start your day.  No more bacon for me.  Boy I need to lose some weight. 

Don’t start your day with the coffee, start it with a glass of water, then do the coffee or tea.  Hydrate yourself first.   Also, eat some “healthy fats”.  Avocado’s, walnuts, flax seed, fish oil.   Again, add some greens. (I need to go mow the lawn)  Elyse suggested Green Waffles, Katie suggested Kale.   When you feel stressed, do some deep breathing, go for a walk. Etc. (Walking Walter does not relieve stress, Walter causes Stress).

 Craving comes on when you are stressed.  Do little meditations at your desk.  For example when you have the stressful day, close your eyes and picture something you would like to have, like an In and Out Burger.  Then get in your car and get in line say at space 24 and you can answer your emails as you creep up to the window and get a double.  (I don’t know why I can’t lose any weight).

Actually I really learned a lot from Katie.  I am going to give her suggestions a big try.

3 Tips to Higher Energy

Drink Water in the Morning

Add Greens to your meals.

Breathe Deeply

Be Mindful  (It’s a Zen thing…stay in the moment)

Go Katie Go

To My Friend Tom

Being a Rotary President is not easy, but Tom made it look easy.  50 regular meetings, 12 Board Meetings, 8 or so District Breakfasts, and countless presentations and visits to other meetings, phone calls, hand holding, and on and on and on.  A Great President makes it look easy and he cares.  Tom has been a Great President and never missed a chance to help someone. 

He did all this with good cheer and guess how many times a President didn’t feel like being there, was sick but played hurt, and motivated others not because he had currency to offer, but because you didn’t want to let him down.  Tom commanded such presence.  Tom would arrive first, leave last, set up the chairs and take them down.  He set the example.  He is such a good guy and I look forward toward him coming back to the other side of the room and take on the best job in the club, that of a Past President.

Nice going Tom and sorry about what we have to do to you on the 29th.  We will be kind…sort of.